Tessellations: Mathematics, Art, and Recreation
Par Didier Müller, samedi 21 novembre 2020 à 10:24 - Livres/e-books - #3876 - rss
Tessellations: Mathematics, Art, and Recreation
Robert Fathauer
CRC Press (21 octobre 2020)
450 pages
Présentation de l'éditeur
Tessellations: Mathematics, Art and Recreation aims to present a comprehensive introduction to tessellations (tiling) at a level accessible to non-specialists. Additionally, it covers techniques, tips, and templates to facilitate the creation of mathematical art based on tessellations. Inclusion of special topics like spiral tilings and tessellation metamorphoses allows the reader to explore beautiful and entertaining math and art.
The book has a particular focus on 'Escheresque' designs, in which the individual tiles are recognizable real-world motifs. These are extremely popular with students and math hobbyists but are typically very challenging to execute. Techniques demonstrated in the book are aimed at making these designs more achievable. Going beyond planar designs, the book contains numerous nets of polyhedra and templates for applying Escheresque designs to them.
Activities and worksheets are spread throughout the book, and examples of real-world tessellations are also provided.
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